Monday, November 7, 2011

The Secrets of Growing huge Tasting Vegetables

The Secrets of Growing huge Tasting Vegetables

Growing vegetables is one of the most pleasant and satisfying activities you can do in your garden. The excitement of planting them, watching them grow and picking the develop is the main reason people sustain trying, even though the pests and diseases are competing with you. Preparing the soil properly is the secret of success to growing vegetables. Every time you plant a recent slit, you must incorporate compost,animal manure, blood and bone and potash. If you don't your vegetables will be passe and prone to disease.

Unfortunately, a lot of our knowledge of what works and what doesn't has been lost as it hasn't been pasted down the generations. Well don't despair, you can fabricate your believe bank of knowledge and the intention to do this is through trial and error. I too am one of those people who didn't recall any peer of what my dad did, so I have had to work it out myself through unprejudiced giving it ago.

The reward of growing vegetables is ample but they quiz a lot of attention to find the best results. The plan with vegetables is to grow them very snappy and harvest them, unlike other plants that lift years to grow. Even though some of them are perennials it is best to treat them as annuals.

Soil pH for Growing Vegetables

The pH of your soil is very well-known. Some vegetables like an alkaline pH like yams and other like acidic pH such as spinach. But many plants will grow within the range of a pH between 6-7. I have included a chart, so you can survey the range that each vegetables can tolerate. If the plant is growing healthy, then there is nothing deplorable with your soils pH and you don't need to change it.

Vegetable Optimal pH Vegetable Optimal pH
Artichoke(globe) 5.6-6.6 Asparagus 6.0-7.0
Beans 6.0-7.0 Beet 5.6-6.6
Broccoli 6.0-7.0 Brussels sprouts 6.0-7.0
Cabbage 5.6-6.6 Cantaloupe 6.0-7.0
Carrot 5.0-6.0 Catnip 5.0-6.0
Cauliflower 6.0-7.0 Celery 6.0-7.0
Chard 6.0-7.0 Chili pepper 5.0-6.0
Chives 5.0-6.0 Cucumber 5.0-6.0
Dill 5.0-6.0 Eggplant 5.0-6.0
Garlic 5.0-6.0 Kiwi 5.0-7.0
Leek 5.0-6.0 Lettuce 6.0-7.0
Mint 6.0-7.0 Mushroom 7.0-8.0
Okra 6.0-8.0 Onions 5.0-7.0
Parsley 6.0-8.0 Parsnip 5.0-7.0
Peas 5.6-6.6 Peanuts 5.0-6.0
Peppers 6.0-8.0 Potatoes 5.8-6.5
Pumpkins 5.0-7.0 Radish 6.0-7.0
Raspberry 5.0-7.0 Rhubarb 5.0-7.0
Rutabaga 5.0-7.0 Shallots 5.0-7.0
Spinach 5.0-7.0 Squash 6.0-7.0
Sweet corn 6.0-7.0 Sweet potatoes 5.0-7.0
Swiss chard 6.0-7.0 Tobacco 5.0-7.0
Yam 6.0-8.0 Zucchini 6.0-7.0

slash Rotation

The tricky piece is applying the above knowledge and putting gash rotation into practice.

carve rotation is exciting each prick to the next bed and not planting the same slit year after year in the same bed. This helps minimises the make up of pests and diseases.

For example: If planting onions in a bed previously occupied by tomatoes, then you will need to add a dose of lime. After the onions you can plant peas and beans which also admire an alkaline soil. Peas and beans are legumes and fix nitrogen from the atmosphere into the soil, which becomes available for leaf vegetable such as Silver beet, lettuce, broccoli or cauliflower which have a high nitrogen requirement. After that you can plant a root slit such as carrots,which doesn't need mighty manure or nitrogen.

To reinvigorate a garden bed, you can fallow it (rest it) and plant a green manure cut of clover, legumes (peas, beans) etc and when they are 50cm high, dig them relieve into the soil.


Water frequently and deeply. There is no such thing as a drought tolerant vegetable garden. Drip or aqua pore irrigation is the best type of watering system as the water goes straight to the plants roots. Don't water from overhead, because it causes fungal diseases. Mulching with pea straw, lucerne or sugar cane is an superb plan, as it controls weeds, cuts down evaporation and breaks down over time and improves the soil structure.

Aspect of the Vegie Patch

reflect the aspect - North, South, East, West Vegetable patches do best in a north or westerly aspect.

believe the light - vegetables need paunchy sun all day.

steal all weeds, especially couch and kikuyu grass. If you raise the bed, the grass will grow up through the soil and prefer over.

Install edging

Dig over and add cow manure/compost/blood and bone/potash

Work out the region for each crop

accomplish furrows - with your spade, dig and state the soil on top of the soil. This invent a mound, which is where you plant your seedlings.


Staking - Best to do it when you planting. Plants like tomatoes need a stake and beans and peas need trellis of some sort to climb on. So do pumpkins!

Water the vegetables, using a watering can with a liquid fertiliser such as Maxicrop or Seasol added (2 caps per 9 litres) . This will abet them obtain over their transplanting shock and support them to create roots hastily.

Creating pathways helps to crop compaction and allows you to catch your vegetables easily.

Starting Out

When you first open growing your beget vegetables, pick them as seedlings. Once you have the hang of growing them (and some successes) you can then commence harvesting your enjoy seed or buying seeds. Raising vegetable seeds requires a hot house/sterilised trays and seed raising mix, water, potting the seedlings up or planting them out into the garden. Many vegetables hate being transplanted, so these types are planted directly into the garden bed. In cooler climates, tomatoes are best started off in a hot house.


When planning your vegetable patch you need to understand the requirements of the individual vegetables. For example in smooth climates tomatoes are summer crops and broccoli and cauliflower are winter crops. Consult a vegetable growing charts for when you can plant your vegetables. Some plants are frost tender, so do not plant them until all the frosts are over. It is said Melbourne Cup day (First Tuesday in November, Australia) is a sterling day for planting frost tender vegetables. Some plants like tomatoes don't like summer temperatures over 32C and therefore don't fruit as well. You may need to keep shade cloth over them during the hottest section of the day.

Wind can also be a grand dilemma as it dries out the soil and can rupture your vegetables. design determined you earn the vegetable patch in a protected state away from wind and salt laden wind.

Planting Vegetable Seeds

How deep into the soil depends on how gigantic the seed is. A grand seed can go deeper into the soil where as a dinky seed is placed on top and soil sprinkled over it. For fine/small seed, the tilth (particles of the soil) needs to be very dazzling. Read the directions on the abet of the seed packet, as it will voice you how deep to plant the seed. Some seeds such as carrots can be planted directly into the vegetable patch while others can be started in a seed-raising tray. Water seeds after planting, but be very gentle with exiguous seeds, as heavy watering can wash them away.

Fertilising Vegetables

Vegetables need a lot of nutrients because they grow like a flash. They need to be liquid fertilised every 2-3 weeks with products such as Maxicrop/Seasol or worm-casting liquid etc. develop clear the worm liquid is 1/3 worm liquid 2/3 water or it will extinguish the plants as it is very strong.

It is distinguished to understand how nitrogen, phosphorus and potash encourages growth. Nitrogen is responsible for leaf growth, phosphorus encourages root growth and potash is responsible flowering and fruit. When preparing you soil, you need to assume about what fragment of the vegetable you are eating and adjust how powerful and what nutrients you need to incorporate into the soil. For example if you are growing carrots, you will need to incorporate some nitrogen, but not too distinguished or you will glean too powerful leaf growth and the root will fork. As carrots are a root vegetable, adding tidy phosphate is a splendid concept. Potash is not required because you don't want the carrots to flower.

Growing vegetables can be very rewarding but they do need a lot of attention. There is nothing nicer than eating freshly grown get that you have grown yourself. If you understand your soil and the pH requirements of each vegetable, you are more likely to have success. My next article is going to discuss the battle between pests and diseases. I accelerate you not to despair if the pests and diseases seem to be beating you. Every gardener has the same spot.

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