Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Discus Fish - Ideal Fish Tank Conditions For Discus Fish

Discus Fish - Ideal Fish Tank Conditions For Discus Fish

Many people that preserve amateur fish tanks have near to admire the cichlid varieties of fish. They are illustrious for their titanic variety that exhibit spirited and complex behaviors that are intelligent to survey. They are also celebrated for their pleasing markings and colors. One such species is the ever approved discus fish. This article will relate the typical nature of the discus fish and the ideal conditions and habitat for a discus fish tank.

Discus fish hail from the gloomy water tributaries of the Amazon. The vegetation and substrate in these waters has a high level of humic acid that causes the water to be soft or have an acidic Ph level. The Ph level should be around 5.5 to 6.5 for Discus fish. The water temperatures range from around 26 degrees Celsius to 31 degrees Celsius. The water is generally lifeless arresting.

Discus fish require very grand water quality or they are likely to become stressed otherwise. Some people employ Reverse Osmosis (R.O) water to accept the quality lawful but as R.O. water is virtually distilled water it is not advised to exhaust it without adding famous minerals and salts that all freshwater fish need. There are supplements that can be added to R.O. Water that will do this. Water should be changed regularly too.

The typical habitat of Discus fish is gentle water movement, a variety of plants and a diverse aqua scape of rocks, caves and bogwood. They recall to live in a sizable tank.

Discus fish are generally placid fish but become very protective during breeding and nurturing of fry. It is sometimes a profitable concept to assume other fish during this time or partition them off.

They will eat most things from flake to live foods.

Discuss fish are some of the most attractive cichlids you can preserve however it can be a challenge to fill the water quality to their liking. Soft water is often more difficult to acquire than hard water and discus fish are quite sensitive to this. This puts more responsibility on you to know how to hold the fish tank and withhold a regular schedule of maintenance.

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