Sunday, November 6, 2011

How to Care for Your fine Angelfish

How to Care for Your fine Angelfish

It is notable for modern water aquarium hobbyists to know about the basics of Angelfish care. Angelfish are very current and can be a vast addition to your tank. Moreover they are noble for breeding as well.

Angelfish are known for their distinctive triangle shape and this is what that has made this fish so approved among fish lovers. Therefore, for the new water hobbyists, who have a very puny choice, angelfish are a must have. Angelfish are available various vibrant colors which is a delight for the eyes.


If you want to preserve angelfish in freshwater tank then giving them flakes will not do your purpose. You must feed them slight fry fish as well as mosquito larvae. Again, there are some experts who opine that you should give them live food which will develop their food well-balanced.

Again, other experts disagree with this conception and suggest that optimum quality flakes is enough.

But, if you are alive to in giving your angelfish some variety, you can go for flakes with once in a while diet of live food.


For your freshwater angelfish you will need a expansive tank. Unlike some other new water fish, angelfish require a distinguished bigger residence. An ideal angelfish tank should be a 25 gallons one for two angelfish.

Angelfish can grow up to 6 inches. Moreover, they also like swimming up and down, aid and forth. So you will need a deep tank as well. It should be at least 25 inches deep.

For a freshwater tank, aqua plants are very well-known. The plants assist in increasing the beauty of the tank. But apart from that they beget distinct other crucial jobs as well. Like, they provide oxygen to the water and also benefit in cleaning the tank.

Other Fish

There are some unusual water hobbyists who want to withhold other fish in the same aquarium with their Angelfish. You can also do it if you want but before selecting you must know which fish do earn along with angelfish and which ones do not. This is because angelfish can be quite aggressive and they sometimes have the tendency to eat smaller fish.


Like all other fish species angelfish are also prone to diseases. These diseases are the same which affect other species of freshwater fish. The most approved disease affecting freshwater angelfish is Ich. It is caused by parasites in the aquarium. If your fish gets it you will discover itsy-bitsy spots in the bodies of your Angelfish. Ich can be cured with capable care.

Angelfish are not only astronomical to have because they are gorgeous to stare at but because it is not very difficult to provide them advantageous care as well. You unprejudiced need to know a few primary facts about how to care for them and you will have healthy freshwater angelfish.

Some favorite and general Tips for splendid Angelfish Care

* If you are treating your angelfish for some disease, do raise the tank temperature as well.

* It is always a friendly option to retain angelfish alone in a tank so that they do not rep diseases from other fish.

* Do not give stress to your angelfish unprejudiced after their spawning.

* Angelfish can live up to 10 or 12 years. All depends upon your care.

* Angelfish like collected and level-headed atmosphere.

* For breeding successfully you should always separate the fry from the parents because the parents can sometimes eat their acquire babies.

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